Unlock Your Hidden Potential

The Power Profile Analysis - PPA is the ultimate tool for cyclists who want to take their performance to the next level.

The PPAR comprehensive assessment offering in-depth insights into your cycling capabilities. Through meticulous analysis of key power metrics, this evaluation unveils your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

The Power Profile Analysis - PPA is not just for elite athletes. Cyclists of all levels can benefit from this comprehensive approach. Whether you want to improve your podium finishes, personal bests, or endurance achievements, the PPA will help you reach your full potential.

The Power Profile Analysis - PPA is an affordable assessment backed by science and strategic training phases. It is a valuable investment in your cycling future.

Explanation of Performance Metrics:

With this comprehensive assessment, you will receive a wealth of information about your power profile, including:

  • Pmax (Peak Power Output): Pmax refers to the maximum power output a cyclist can generate in a short burst of effort. 
  • VO2 Max: VO2 Max measures the maximum amount of oxygen a cyclist's body can use during intense exercise.
  • TTE (Time to Exhaustion): TTE represents the duration a cyclist can maintain a given workload until exhaustion.
  • FRC (Functional Reserve Capacity): FRC is the amount of energy a cyclist can draw upon during high-intensity efforts after initially depleting their readily available energy stores..
  • MFTP (Maximal Functional Threshold Power): MFTP is the highest power output a cyclist can sustain for an extended duration.
  • Stamina: Stamina is a composite measure of endurance, recovery, and overall cycling fitness. a high level of performance.

Program Highlights

Include a list of items to support the central theme of your page. Bulleted lists are a great way to parse information into digestible pieces.

  • Detailed Analysis: Examines peak power, endurance, and functional capacity.

  • Identify Strengths & Weaknesses: Pinpoints areas needing improvement.

  • Tailored Training: Provides standard 12 week training plan to enhance performance + Coaching.

The Power Profile Analysis: Setting a New Standard

Ready to Elevate Your Ride? Power Profile Analysis Available for Individual Riders!

The Power Profile Analysis - PPA is the most comprehensive and affordable power profile assessment available. It includes a broader range of metrics than other assessments, is backed by science and strategic training phases, and consists of a 30-minute follow-up consultation.